Okay, I must confess. Today's blog is going to take a little turn for the…
You Don’t Have To Be Rich To Own A Water Ionizer!

When most people think of getting healthier, the #1 issue is cash! “Augggghh.. organic food is so expensive! A water ionizer costs an arm and a leg!”
It’s easy to forgive someone for assuming the latter because most people simply don’t yet know the truth about water ionizers!
Sure, there are top-notch water ionizers out there (such as the Tyent ACE-13, UCE-11, and others) – but did you know you can get a high-performance alkaline water ionizer for under $1,000 dollars?
YES, FOLKS, YOU HEARD THAT CORRECTLY – UNDER ONE THOUSAND DOL- okay, I’ll stop with the old-timey mustache-waxing salesman bit.
Today – we’ll go into a bit more detail on how much the cost of a water ionizer machine really is!
An alkaline water ionizer for less than $999???
It’s true.
First off, let me kindly but hastily direct you to our Water Ionizer Rankings Chart.
Here, you can take a glance at the info that we gathered – and find the perfect alkaline water machine for you, no matter what your budget! You can get excellent quality ionized alkaline water at home, without breaking your bank!
So what’s the difference between the budget models like the X-Blue, and the more high-performance models like the Tyent 13-plate?
The first thing you’ll notice is a drastic difference in size. All of the high-tech ultra-ionizing power that goes into the top-of-the-line models lends itself to a bigger surface area.
So if you have a small countertop, a budget water ionizer is the choice for you!
A water ionizer pays for itself!
While it technically doesn’t rummage in your wallet and pull out your credit card (like the older models), buying a water ionizer is a venture that shows its value exceedingly quickly.
Instead of buying cheap bottled water that leaves truly astounding levels of pollution (and is often just bottled tap liquid), your ionizer leaves NO trace! Let alone the value of having INCREDIBLY healthy water energizing you – day in, day out! It’s really an easy choice to make when you can see all the beneficial angles.
So there you go! Making your body feel better doesn’t have to make you feel financially strained! Check out our FREE Water Ionizer Buyers Guide for more details!

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Ever think about selling water ionizers? Wondering if there is money to be made? The truth is...
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