What are the Side Effects of Water Ionizers?
There are six things listed below that you must read regarding water ionizer side effects. You will be very surprised at what you don’t know.
- You may read online that side effects have been reported from the use of water ionizers. The side effects include heart problems and other horrible issues. These side effects are related to a study by a doctor named T. Watanabe. Dr. Watanabe’s findings are from 1997 and 1998 using a water ionizer made with aluminum plates instead of platinum and titanium plates-which is extremely dangerous.
- Be sure you only drink from a water ionizer that uses platinum and titanium plates. This should be simple since every major brand of water ionizer now uses only high-quality platinum and titanium for plate material. There hasn’t been a water ionizer created with aluminum in it for over 8 years.
- The web site that is trying to scare you with these studies that are more than a decade old is a company that created a non-electric water filter which cost less than $100.00 to make. This unit is being sold for around $2000.00 and hoping that unsuspecting consumers will be too scared to buy a legitimate water ionizer. Look at the dates on the research being used. It is all over a decade old.
- The only way to make true alkaline, ionized water is with electricity. A non-electric unit will not produce water that is anywhere near as beneficial as an electric machine that has 10 amps and 11 or 13 Solid/Mesh Hybrid plates.
- Dr. Watanabe from Japan did more studies later in his career using an electric water ionizer. Here is what is said after his additional testing was complete: “Alkaline ionized water (AKW) is used for the purpose of supplementing electrolytes and water lost by perspiration during exercise and for preserving health because AKW is easily absorbed by the body and is excellent.”
- The effects that you will experience from your water ionizer investment will be fantastic ones. Take a look at what world-renowned scientist, doctors, and authors are saying about alkaline water. Recognize any of these names?
Alkaline Water, What do the Water Experts say?

Alkalize your body and live a healthier, more energized, and ultimately more fulfilling life. Our acid-alkaline balance is a baseline determinant of our physical health. When you break your old eating patterns, you will find yourself getting back to the real you, filled with the vitality and energy that you desire and deserve.”

“I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every wellness situation imaginable. I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone.”

“After years of a very positive continuous clinical experiment that I am conducting with hundreds of clients using electronically restructured alkaline water, it is my opinion that this technology will change the way in which all wellness providers and the public will approach their life in the coming years. …My suggestion is to drink restructured alkaline water whenever possible.”

Author, “The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet”, Adjunct Professor, City College, New York
“Alkaline water helps rids the body of acid waste… After carefully evaluating the results of my advice to hundreds of individuals, I’m convinced that toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of degenerative disease.”

“Drinking four to six glasses of alkaline water a day will help to neutralize over acidity and over time will help to restore your buffering ability.”

“International studies show that populations with little or no history of wellness issues drink higher (pH) alkaline waters. After all potential risk factors were considered and factored out, it became evident that they had been drinking waters with a pH of 9.0 to 10.0.”

“Drinking a healthy amount of alkaline water is a great way to neutralize and flush out toxins and acids that drain from the tissues and bodily fluids, and to quickly rehydrate the body and keep the blood alkaline.”

“The water you drink should be alkaline water. The ideal way to do this is to use a water ionizer.”

“Increasing your consumption of good quality tap water or filtered water can transform your health and play a central role in the healing of virtually all degenerative diseases. However, alkaline water has profound long-term effects because it can also help alkalize your body and act as an antioxidant.”

“I am a big fan of electron-rich and alkaline water made from water ionizers that give water a pH of almost 10. Plants love the acidic water. I actually call this water, plasma-activated micro-ionized water, that has a smaller molecule cluster of molecules versus most tap water.”

“By drinking alkaline water, wellness issues can be reversed and the wastes can be reduced in the long-term to a level of a much younger person.”

“You do not need expensive medicine with all the negative side effects to regain health… Alkaline water has profound long term effects because it helps alkalize your body.”

“Here is the simple process of aging. Every living cell within our body creates waste products. The nutrients from our food are delivered to each cell and they burn with oxygen to provide energy for us to live. The burned nutrients are waste products. The food that is either good or bad for you is determined by the amount and quality of the wastes produced: toxic, acid, alkaline, etc. Cells go through metabolism and old dead cells become waste products.” “These waste products must be discharged from our body. In fact, our body tries its best to dispose of them through urine and perspiration. Virtually all waste products are acidic; that is why urine is acidic and the skin surface is also acidic. The problem is that, due to several reasons, our body cannot get rid of 100% of the waste products it produces.” “The main reason for this is our lifestyle. We, therefore, spend more time producing waste products than processing them.”

“The cells and fluids in most people’s bodies…are overly acidic. This can cause a lot of health problems. It prevents your body from neutralizing and disposing of harmful, poisonous toxins and leaves you more susceptible to the cell-damaging free radical oxidation that leads to cancer and other diseases.”

In his book, The pH Miracle says it this way:
Bad diets such as meat and potatoes, fried foods, soft drink colas, and sugars build up acid salts in the body. Often these deposits, by having to be stored away from the blood flow, can remain in the body for decades. The consumption of ionized alkaline water can help to slowly and gently wash these salts away.

“…people with more acidic blood were more likely to be ill. He defined a pH range of 7.4 to 7.5 to be associated with good health. When foods are metabolized, acids are produced which are neutralized by the alkaline salts (carbonates) of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Foods containing chlorine, phosphorous, sulfur and nitrogen, animal products and refined carbohydrates tend to be acid forming.”

“…the over-acid person as being grouchy, sensitive, exhausted, inclined to aches and pains, headaches, and problems with sleeping and acidity of the stomach. Smokers have been found to have a high acid content in their urine. Cravings appear to be reduced on a more alkaline diet.”

“If the world has accepted antioxidants to slow down the aging process, it should readily agree to the uses of ionized alkaline water. Their roles are closely linked and intertwined such that a lasting anti-aging program is incomplete without addressing both free radicals and organic acid wastes.”
The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.

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20 Responses
Anndon Nee says:
Hi. Is your research backed by any scientific evidence? Are you an independent research institute? I am a follower of ionised water and to be honest Kangen water. I don’t find it as bad as many of your readers have commented. In fact, it’s the best so far after doing my own research and comparison. I am also a cancer survivor and would like to recommend kangen to every patient suffering from this deadly disease. However, I may encounter one problem. I don’t think you will publish my recommendation as I realized you are also a seller of water machines. That’s why I wonder whether your research is independent at all.
Rachel Kacsur says:
I have had a Tyent for 1 1/2 yrs. I drink almost a gallon a day. Within 2 months it had COMPLETELY stopped my Fibromyalgia pain and ALL arthritis progression. NO arthritis pain at all now. My doctor called it a placebo effect and told me I was foolish (I am a 2 GRAD degrees medical social worker and I can definitely tell you no placebo can do what I have gotten from Alk water! I can’t say enough about the water. I can do my physical therapy daily (walk 2 miles on treadmill) and lift weights with NO fibro pain the next day(s). In the past I could only do minor exercise; now I am really getting stronger with no after-pain to stop me. I give a gallon everyday to my friend, and her Fibro pain is gone, too.
Myrna Kuki says:
I get my alkaline water with ph of 8.88 from Walgreens but it does cost $1.69 for a 1 liter bottle. It is imported from Iceland and is named “iceland pure spring water “. Have you heard of this and is it better or worse than the processed water you have researched?
GiGi says:
I’m a cancer patient, RA patient ad well. Seems how medicine
Are Toxic, how is a person suppose to take meds
While drinking Alkaline Water. I’m so overwhelmed
With so much Infor, some positive and not so
Positive Infor about this water. Can’t decide if
It’s a good idea to drink or not. Ugh!
Dr. Steven says:
Being a doctor and having spent 3 months researching all the different ionizers on the market and especially quality control in production of the plates, I think a person would be making a big mistake buying an ionizer that is not made by Enagic (Kangen). Obviously not everyone is going to spend $4K. Their JR2 and DX2 models are less costly at $2380 and $3280 respectively.
Albert dotson says:
I thank you for the information. A decision has been made as to which one to purchase.
Dave Bochenek says:
Since Tap water is not healthy would it be ok to use Reverse Osmosis water or Filtered water and then run that through these machines
Virginia M Bogan says:
If there is so much supposed good in Alkaline
Water; then I have to ask myself??—-WHY
has not a company taken upon the task of man-
ufacturing bottled Alkaline Water, since there
are people who live in apartments and temporary
places that cannot put in a water ionizer??
Thank You
Rhona says:
Is it safe for kids?
Richard Alumbaugh says:
I am a disabled person with kidney failure in my history I need a better life style and help with my health. I would appreciate any help I can get. I am living off disability social security so money is a real problem as well.
Joni says:
Where can you buy good Alkaline wate. I can not buy a nice system for my home right now.
Is there a specific brand that is better thatn others?
cindy says:
I have read so much and have been to a Kangen demonstration. I have multiple issues and feel like an ionizer will help me improve my health. I must say I am a little over whelmed and greatful for your videos. Now, how do I go about making a final decision about what unit I should buy. I know the Kangen unit is definitely out.
sallie says:
Appreciate your enlightment:)
Kathleen garriga says:
HELLO I JUST PERCHASED A GALLON OF ALKALINE WATer ( kaNgen) i was told this helps to loose weight can that be true of course with a a diet and excercise?